Sunday, February 19, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Dog Helps Mother Cat Deliver Her Kittens And It Is So Beautiful To Watch

Labour can excruciating but while humans have a lot of help through the process, animals give birth on their own in the wild.
Pet owners who have got to watch their pets during labour would tell you that there is really not much to do except be there for them as they do what they do.
In this video, a cat is in the process of birthing her kittens. She has an unusual helper, an adorable dog.
The dog is there for the whole process. He is there for her, whether or not she wants him to be.
Not only that, the dog licks each of the kittens as the cat birthed them as if welcoming them into the world or letting them know he cares.
The dog is very gentle and loving. It is quite interesting that the cat did not object to the dog touching and caring for her kittens. Obviously, they have a really special bond and we just know the dog will be there to help raise the kitties. Take a look at the heartwarming video below.

We Love Animals and believe in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Propriétaire pense que son chat veut venir - Puis il regarde dehors et voit ce qui se passe réellement

Peu importe quel âge vous êtes, il est toujours tentant d'aller jouer dehors après une chute de neige fraîche. Après tout, qui ne l'aime pas lançant des boules de neige, construction d'un igloo, ou faire un bonhomme de neige quand il est un paradis hivernal extérieur?

Alors, quand la neige commence à elle tomber dans la cour arrière, sauter autour, attraper des flocons et généralement avoir beaucoup de plaisir. Son homme dit: "Snow lui fait devenir fou (dans un sens positif). Elle ne veut pas venir quand elle apparaît à la porte comme ça pendant des conditions de neige. "Elle aime aussi jouer avec des boules de neige, et quand sa tête apparaît à la porte qu'elle demande à quelqu'un de venir jouer avec elle !

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Watch The Reaction When This Sleepy Kitten Sees Her Mama… This Will Melt Your Heart, Omg!!

When this adorable sleepy kitten sees her mama, the reaction she gives is enough to melt your heart to pieces – such a sweet kitten who is delighted to see her mama, it’s the cutest moment ever!
I’ve gotta admit you only truly understand a cats love until you feel it for yourself – this wonderful video is just another reason why cat lovers will always be cat lovers… This is priceless and adorable!
You’ve gotta see this kittens reaction, it’s the SWEETEST… Watch video below:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Kitten commence à boire du lait d'une bouteille, mais il suffit d'écouter Making The Sound Il ... OMG !!?

J'ai honnêtement jamais vu chaton faisant ce type de bruit potable à partir d'une bouteille comme celui-ci, mais il est sans doute la chose la plus mignonne jamais ... JUSTE inestimable, votre cœur va fondre quand vous le verrez!

Son propriétaire aimant le tient dans ses bras et lui donne un peu de lait à partir d'une bouteille et la réaction est tout simplement trop difficile à gérer - absolument adorable ... Il me fait presque pense qu'il est cataire liquide, mais nous ne sommes pas sûrs !!
Il suffit de regarder la réponse de ce minou à boire dans une bouteille ...  Regardez la vidéo ci -dessous:

Awwwww, ceci est SOO mignon -Partagez avec vos amis si vous avez aimé :)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Kitten Trying To Learn How To Use Litter Box, But Then… He Does The Funniest Thing Ever, OMG

This funny kitten is learning how to use the litter box, but if you keep watching till 0:43, you’ll see what he does.  I’ve gotta say it gave me a pretty good laugh!

You can’t blame the adorable little ball of furr, he’s just learning, but it sure is funny to watch!  He goes completely on his back legs and poops just like that. – Some people think he needs medical attention, but this kitten is alive and healthy as we know!
I’ve never seen a kitten pooping like this, LOL… Watch Video:
What a funny kitty…This just cracks me up—SHARE this story with your friends!! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Before he leaves each morning, his cat requires this special goodbye

Have you ever seen anything so adorable? Each morning before this guy leaves his home, his cat requires this special goodbye. 😊
“Our beloved cat “Ville” shows his great love for me every morning” wrote Fredrik
This was filmed in the winter of 2013 in Sandviken, Sweden.
SHARE This LOVE with your friends!